nice girls are hot

nice girls like blingblings
glittery hairpins
frilly skirts
pointy heels
and the lacoste
sleek camo
z4 coupé individual

nice girls are greedy too
giraffe for a pet
chocolate factory
summers that last forever
old fashioned ice creams
a handsome black horse
latin amerikka-ka-ka
borders and that cd shop
hedonistic holidays
beer, chips and girls

nice people are talkative

everyone has a past.
and here's mine.

Mai 2004
Juni 2004
Juli 2004
August 2004
September 2004
Oktober 2004
November 2004
Dezember 2004
Januar 2005
Februar 2005
März 2005
April 2005
Mai 2005
Juni 2005
Juli 2005
August 2005
September 2005
Oktober 2005
November 2005
Dezember 2005
Januar 2006
Februar 2006
März 2006
April 2006
Mai 2006
Juni 2006
Juli 2006
August 2006
September 2006
Oktober 2006
November 2006
Dezember 2006

Montag, Mai 24, 2004

let's start from the very beginning... Posted by Hello

it was |3:54:00 AM|

Freitag, Mai 21, 2004

ein schreckliche Truam

I'm craving (im cravin) for you,
I'm missing you like candy

wat a great way to spend a lazy fri afternn. listening to crappy mandy moore medley n making my-own-self sick in the head n missing somebody.

"This was not art," Pat Hobby often said, "this was an industry," where whom "you sat with at lunch was more important than what you dictated in your office."

reading F. Scott Fitzgerald doesn't help either. his often more-than-accurate observations and lyricism of the social behavior always leave me feeling doomed n helpless n "i cant take this social shit a'more"-s after each book. but still. s'how. his era still seems more glamourous n "happening" than ours. oh why oh why oh why oh why...

it was |5:27:00 PM|

Sonntag, Mai 16, 2004

Sorglos Tage

according to my sis, u can be fined for up to $5000 for touching another person's breasts. wahlau.. if i go n sue her i'm sure to become one of those few freaking rich 19yr old millionaires..

n there's s'thing that definitely turns one off when guys try to chat u up in the pool. get lost.

jiao lian seems totally amazed that we (mavisteo n me. we were down in kallang on sat. lynn too. but she was too busy n slow on the water) were reading girly magazines. he prob thot that we'll take half a century to convert back into one.

a'ways i'd nv been so lang2 bei4 before in my 2yrs of canoeing no-life. 5 crafts - 3 k1s, 1 k2, 1 t1 all to save 1 drowning k2. gosh. and mavis n i agreed that.. we do not ever wanna see or HEAR xianjie on water again. NV shall THE AMAZING RESCUE reenact.

i think we can all learn from this:

lesson in irony- i think people who makes grammatical mistake is stupid.

wow. how motivating it is.

it was |3:26:00 PM|

Samstag, Mai 15, 2004

Joanne und Danette haben am Freitag in der Sonne gebaden. Dann sie treffen Mavis mit.

i am gonna lock myself indoors for the next 10000yrs man. if not i'll nv get fair.

met up with mr.lee after such a freaking long time on thurs. first person i looked for when i (and wenshan) went back. he must've been so touched. and scolded muscuLYNN for being so "mei2 liang2 xing1". when she'd actually went back to sch so many times in the past few wks but looked for him none of the times at all.

it is definitely one of few memories that one will cherish dearly when looking back in time. how one is able to crap with her tcher abt their past, present and future. doing comparisions. joking abt marital status. treating ur educator to a drink. arguing the merits and demerits of the NELine and circleline over a nice, cheap, cold mug of iced lemon tea (the sch really nv changed. at all. still as "pok" as ever. toilets are still as smelly. and the prices of the food are still the same... hehe). suggesting image overhauls. career switches. challenging each other at badminton (date's set. next thurs. who else is up for it??). and tennis (if I actually know how to play.. ... maybe in the next 10000 yrs).

speaking of tennis... my god it's so highly addictive.. even tho' i haven't been able to keep it going for 5shots (hey first time ok)... who wants to go n learn too?? we can learn as a grp... so far only me wenshan n lynn... C'MON PPLE.. dun worry! we are gonna buy our rackets at the Great Singapore Sale!

our juniors sux. basically.

... For centuries humans have tried to alter what heredity determines, and attempts to either lighten or darken skin have long been part of the beauty regimens.

In the 1800s ... Women even ate arsenic, risking illness and death, to make their skin pale. Among dark-skinned people in some parts of the world, skin whiteners and lighteners are still popular. ...
arsenic? hmm ... ...

it was |12:16:00 AM|

Donnerstag, Mai 13, 2004

die Zeitschrift

so i saw this. how scary.

We can live without seeing or hearing - in fact, without any of our other senses. But babies born without effective nerve connections between skin and brain can fail to thrive and may even die.

National Geographic Nov 2002 "Unmasking Skin"


it was |12:54:00 AM|