nice girls are hot

nice girls like blingblings
glittery hairpins
frilly skirts
pointy heels
and the lacoste
sleek camo
z4 coupé individual

nice girls are greedy too
giraffe for a pet
chocolate factory
summers that last forever
old fashioned ice creams
a handsome black horse
latin amerikka-ka-ka
borders and that cd shop
hedonistic holidays
beer, chips and girls

nice people are talkative

everyone has a past.
and here's mine.

Mai 2004
Juni 2004
Juli 2004
August 2004
September 2004
Oktober 2004
November 2004
Dezember 2004
Januar 2005
Februar 2005
März 2005
April 2005
Mai 2005
Juni 2005
Juli 2005
August 2005
September 2005
Oktober 2005
November 2005
Dezember 2005
Januar 2006
Februar 2006
März 2006
April 2006
Mai 2006
Juni 2006
Juli 2006
August 2006
September 2006
Oktober 2006
November 2006
Dezember 2006

Montag, November 22, 2004

surprise surprise surprise... erwin has outdone himself again!

3. Describe the most significant memory in the six lecture series in five sentences, no more no less.


it was |11:32:00 PM|

Sonntag, November 21, 2004

i'll be changing the blogskin soon. dun fret.

i think i forgot to mention abt this b4, but once upon a time, saito showed us this videoclip (well, he shows videos in all lectures, and they always look, circula 1980s) during one of his lectures, on japanese women and gender (in)equality.

the guy asked a bunch of kindergarten girls, "what do u wanna be when u grow up?"

and there was a torrent of answers,
"a nurse!"
"a teacher!"
"erm.. a cyclist! coz i can cycle very well!"
"a doctor."
"a teacher."
"a firefighter!"
"a well-dressed lady wearring earrings and 'clickclick' shoes... hehe" (that was cute..)
"a mother."
"a nurse.."

well.. there were a many "nurses" and "doctors"...

and the last girl -drumrolls please-

a shy little girl looking perplexed and deeply tormented by the question.. and then flashing her mesmerizing "li'l big eyed girl" kawaii grin in all her front-2-tooth-missing glory...



and u could hear the entire population in the great, grand LT11 went... "aAwWwwwwww....."

it was |7:15:00 PM|

Mittwoch, November 17, 2004

n of coz... mavis, urs truly and our dear syl.. our very own nus belle! (ok i think need to change settings for my camera liaoz... but nvm.. we can be "blur" together..) Posted by Hello

it was |1:49:00 AM|

very cold!... aren't u all jealous we can be at caldecott? hahahaha Posted by Hello

it was |1:44:00 AM|

i have NO idea wat she wanted to do with it. but she does look lyk some wu3 xia2 drama.. Posted by Hello

it was |1:41:00 AM|

i brought my camera that day... wanting to capture "My Studio Space". it ended up being.. "Mavis (and my studio space)". Posted by Hello

it was |1:39:00 AM|

my space Posted by Hello

it was |1:31:00 AM|

more mavis! Posted by Hello

it was |1:28:00 AM|

Freitag, November 12, 2004

mavis playing my uglee lantern Posted by Hello

it was |7:41:00 PM|

a look thru' the fish tank. Posted by Hello

it was |7:38:00 PM|

mavis! Posted by Hello

it was |7:37:00 PM|

Montag, November 08, 2004

so i picked up the book on my sister's table...

two poems struck me.

CLASS OF 2004.


How difficult can
it be to write a farewell alma mater poem?
All you need are flowery words
and sentimental musings -
but no.

A walk through "alma mater":
Bright corridors lined by lockers
camouflaged by bright posters;
Heated debates in the canteen,
as pigeons watch on catnapping
on dark grey lidded desks in
between those blocks of time;
ours: to remember.

How much have we grown since
sec one? How much weight have
we gained? Do we think about
what we are thinking when we
think? Do we know how to tie green ties?

Now, with an already nostalgic
weariness, we desperately try tp capture, keep, cling on to
all that is precious, dear;
yet slowly fading away.

It is difficult to imagine what it
will be like when we are gone,
although nothing will change,
really - there will still be low
socks loose belts late bookings
for generations more to come.

But for this last, short span of
sun, the green railings are still
ours, we are grateful to claim
ownership of four years spent in these white washed walls.

Ours, to remember; always.

The Study of Farewells

SIXTEEN, and we have shunned the pastel nostalgia of autograph books; finally learning that 'forever' is too strong a word to be followed by 'friends', and instead trusting our future to numbers and new contacts on our MSN messenger lists. There is a finality in every annual event, and every event preceded with "our last", our days numbered in countdowns that no one's taking seriously quite yet. Between the books and files, we're collecting memories like stamps, each labelled neatly and filed away, so when we chance to meet again somewhen long after exam halls and Orchard Road we have these moments to return to, and perhaps recall who we once were.

it was |1:34:00 AM|