nice girls are hot

nice girls like blingblings
glittery hairpins
frilly skirts
pointy heels
and the lacoste
sleek camo
z4 coupé individual

nice girls are greedy too
giraffe for a pet
chocolate factory
summers that last forever
old fashioned ice creams
a handsome black horse
latin amerikka-ka-ka
borders and that cd shop
hedonistic holidays
beer, chips and girls

nice people are talkative

everyone has a past.
and here's mine.

Mai 2004
Juni 2004
Juli 2004
August 2004
September 2004
Oktober 2004
November 2004
Dezember 2004
Januar 2005
Februar 2005
März 2005
April 2005
Mai 2005
Juni 2005
Juli 2005
August 2005
September 2005
Oktober 2005
November 2005
Dezember 2005
Januar 2006
Februar 2006
März 2006
April 2006
Mai 2006
Juni 2006
Juli 2006
August 2006
September 2006
Oktober 2006
November 2006
Dezember 2006

Dienstag, August 30, 2005

pardon the MIA-ness.

i had my first gem (the geisha module. i dropped econs.) today. we have a tutor who is really a phD student. he is from germany and he can't speak english very well. in fact, he sounds too halting and harsh and terribly nervous and blushes profusely when he is in front of the class.

now if u are one of his students - of coz u'll automatically think, "wahlau! lauzee tutor!". or at least, this is what i gathered from the majority population's reaction to a "foreign" tutor who can't speak their language. we feel that we can't communicate our ideas to them very well, and thus will be penalised for that.

as we were the last grp to present our proposal to him, he was obviously drained from listening to other grps and couldn't process what we said very fast. (trust me, listening to a language u aren't familiar with is hard work) when we concluded, i thanked him in german and immediately, he excitedly launched into "Sprichst du Deutsch?!?!?!" and a whole torrent of conversation that followed. and it seemed that once it started it nv stopped.

my other grp member was very amused we kept at it for so long and she thought i was very pro. but what she didn't realie was that, actually i could only understand maybe abt 50% of what he said in his muttersprache, the rest is guesswork and fill-in-the-blanks. while he took twice as long as a normal person wud to process my english sentences.

having a series of funny communication breakdowns and being dummmified in meine Deutsch Unterricht this sem, i can totally understand how he must have felt. it's a, "finally! someone can speak my language/ can understand me!!!" and u must binge-talk to make up for the shortfalls.

the tutor/me definitely appeared to have a different personality when he/i can use his/my muttersprache. very bubbly and spontaneous. while the other is very slow and cautious, and very worried about commiting grammatic or vocab mistakes. and it shows.

ok. actually i forgot what was the moral that i'd wanted to impart. something abt not getting too worried when u get a foreigner tutor. (i know many who do.) i am very tired. but u guys/ girls are very smart pple so u can figure out what i mean.

it was |2:30:00 AM|

Sonntag, August 21, 2005

quote we're always so good with pretending unquote

now that was taken in a very funny context. but if we think abt it, it's kinda a sad truth. the two most happening ones have become the two most unhappening ones.

ever since the advent of cheap student priced sushi buffets, i'd hardly gone for a good sushi meal. only the cheap and stuffed ones. that's just so us. quantity over quality.

thankfully, that phase of life is over. maybe i'm "lost" in the "middle" of the forest. and just to let u all know, yes u may view me as a fish.. but i am really a BEAR. hahahahaha. at least i'm not a, gorilla!

good quality food and good company a happy person maketh.

and all the talk is making me thirsty for a drink. a Black Cherry and Rose Bellini specifically. (which is not the one in the pic. that was a classic mr. smith dry martini drink. and that was two wks ago. i'm a real dinosaur at photo uploads.)

it was |3:37:00 AM|

Dienstag, August 16, 2005

now i don't want anyone to get worried or what not. but i just need to rant.

i don't know if it is intentional or not. it does feel that way. she hurts me. a lot.

and when that happens, i get negative too. but i tell myself i'm in club21 now so i shud just shut the fuck up and continue to act mean and happy with myself.

it was |9:14:00 PM|

Montag, August 15, 2005

highlights of the wk include eating instant noodle es the korean army way, laughing at how the exchange students reactions to durians, visiting the very nice and friendly lynn with her very nice and comfy bed, eating cheap 1.50 meals, making model, funny communication breakdowns..

lowlights include not being able to meet joanne and of-all-nerves forgetting to call b4 time! falling down in front of 50 pple, attending the wrong lecture in a sleep-deprived stupor, missing the lecture by my favouritest handsomestest lecturer in the whole nus..

it was |12:16:00 AM|

Mittwoch, August 10, 2005

have u ever noticed how, we tend to get increasingly louder and agitated when the person doesn't understand you?

for example,
"ok.. you walk straight to the letterbox, and turn left"
"walk straight, to the letterbox, turn left!"
"walk Straight, see Letterbox, turn Left."

as if volume can compensate and the person will understand you when you jumping about like a mad monkey.

it was |2:36:00 AM|

Montag, August 08, 2005

i hate irresponsible pple!

of coz. i am not the best example when it comes to being responsible, but at least i try my best not to cause people trouble. i always ask when i borrow things, i return things by the deadline, i try not to be late

(but of coz this is very much dependent on who i am going out with. there are pple who are always punctual so i am never late with them. and then there're frens like me who are always late so we understand each other's rhythm and synchronize with that. thank goodness they form 95% of my friends.)

no matter how big a bastard one is, i think there are three basic rules to live by:

1. when u are late, u are just wasting everybody's time.

e.g. even gangsters are never late for negotiations.

2. if u did not ask for permission when u borrow things, u will cause other pple to jump ar'd when they can't find their things.

e.g. see how gang fights always occur due to misunderstandings or miscommunications?

3. if u do not return the things u borrowed on time, u are gonna cause big trouble for the person.

e.g. because u nv return money to that starving man, he cannot pay his loans on time so the loan sharks come n beat him up.

ta ma de! *ROARS*

talking abt being late and wasting other people's time.. a fren complained so much he drove me to nuts abt how his fren is always late for their meetings. for the past 10 yrs.

now, of coz the person who is late is at fault. but i think, 10 yrs is a really long time u noe. u shud have known the other person inside out alr'd so what kind of fren are u to get angry and complain abt ur fren being late and u are always so punctual? it's just ur own fault for not including "buffer time" for urself! stupid!

it was |11:18:00 AM|

Sonntag, August 07, 2005

oh craps. i think... i lost my identity card.

it was |2:06:00 AM|

Donnerstag, August 04, 2005

oh! i must mention! according to my dunno-whether-reliable-or-not sister, there's this jap family living at the same level as us and the teenager jap guy is really really really cute! i wanna see! mi tai! tanoshimi! hontou ni!

ok. off to shower n the class gathering. *crosses fingers*

it was |5:14:00 PM|

i was rummaging thru' the stuff i bought yesterday for the washbin when i realised that two of the pcs can add up to this.

chey, u said. of coz they aren't special at all by themselves.

unknowingly, unwittingly, unforeseenably. the power of the subconscious.

it was |12:32:00 AM|

Mittwoch, August 03, 2005

yay amazingly i've got all my elective modules!

-----Allocated Modules-----

Module Code : GEK2022

Module Code : LAG3201
Module Title: GERMAN 3

Module Code : EC1301

of coz i'm not that crazy to take so many electives. i'm definitely dropping one of them. just a matter of which one.

anyways i had a totally new experience today. HP and sha will know what i'm talking abt. i think women are funny. pay money to get ourselves tortured. haha.

otherwise, charlie and the chocolate factory shud really be called "oompa loompa and the chocolate factory". HP agreed too that the little oompas are the real male lead actor(s). i just love all those little copies! (esp the shrink.. hahaha). but but i must also tell mr. johnny depp that, even tho' he's really not the male lead, and no matter how freaky he becomes i still love him the most!

the silly willy wonka song is stuck in my head! (yes i kept singing it in the lift just now.. i think i scared a few pple... haha)

willy wonka! willy wonka! the amazing chocolateer!
willy wonka! willy wonka! everybody give a cheer!

let's boogie!

it was |8:37:00 PM|