nice girls are hot

nice girls like blingblings
glittery hairpins
frilly skirts
pointy heels
and the lacoste
sleek camo
z4 coupé individual

nice girls are greedy too
giraffe for a pet
chocolate factory
summers that last forever
old fashioned ice creams
a handsome black horse
latin amerikka-ka-ka
borders and that cd shop
hedonistic holidays
beer, chips and girls

nice people are talkative

everyone has a past.
and here's mine.

Mai 2004
Juni 2004
Juli 2004
August 2004
September 2004
Oktober 2004
November 2004
Dezember 2004
Januar 2005
Februar 2005
März 2005
April 2005
Mai 2005
Juni 2005
Juli 2005
August 2005
September 2005
Oktober 2005
November 2005
Dezember 2005
Januar 2006
Februar 2006
März 2006
April 2006
Mai 2006
Juni 2006
Juli 2006
August 2006
September 2006
Oktober 2006
November 2006
Dezember 2006

Dienstag, Januar 31, 2006


hahaha actually i choked on my pineapple tart laughing. did u know that? haha

"edison chen is bad boy. shawn yue is bad man."

"well. hongkong can be both big and small. depending on whether you meet shawn yue or not."

then in that case, hongkong must be humongous. sux!

yes and in case u country bumpkins dunno abt the handsome one.. here he is!

it was |10:21:00 PM|

Sonntag, Januar 29, 2006

gong xi fa cai ! ! !

seeing all the red ar'd me.. suddenly i wanna tell our samurai tutor that he was wrong. maybe the East is REALLY red.

more than ever, i wish that somebody will hurry up and invent a device that can capture smells.

then, the secret organiser in me can keep these lovely moments nicely categorised and neatly labelled, like souvenirs or pictures from a foreign land - "malacca night mkt 2003". "romantic walk down by singapore river 2005"."the limcheeguan bakwa mixed with some random baby vomit 2006"."CNY explosives!" and so on and so forth.

smells are an integral part of our experiences (aromatic or otherwise), altho' no one has really noticed that. i miss the luscious whiffs of freshly baked CNY goodies that my mom used to make. endless trays, i swear, the smell almost imprisoning. (to me, THAT is the spirit of chinese new yr - the creation and later exchange of too much excess) today, my olfactory bank is running on low. we have the camera, we can keep all these pictures of red. but if u ask me, i can't really remember what CNY was like anymore. altho' i do know that it smells different than before. very different.

so anyways, somebody better invent the wonder soon, before we lose them all.

and then maybe when i blog, i can upload the wafts online and all of u can press a tiny "play" button s'where here on the screen and involunterily salivate while looking and reading abt my wonderful dinner r'd the red steamboat.

esp if u're overseas.. wouldn't such a day be so wonderful? muahahaha..

it was |6:30:00 PM|

Freitag, Januar 27, 2006

the image is supposed to say, "MAKE LOVE NOT WAR" but i could never quite catch the full sentence in a pic. the receptionist was staring. and it wasn't nice to keep others waiting for me.

good things are worth the wait. but sometimes, there's simply no time to wait. or u just allow other things to distract u a bit, and then u regret forever. u get angry with he/she/it, at first. then urself a bit. and maybe even He/She/It. and then u'll just slowly forget abt it. until one fine day, something else comes along to remind u of every wonderful thing u had wanted then.

or maybe, what we'd really wanna do isn't to keep he/she/it for urself, but rather, to capture the moment in a freeze frame so that, one day in future, when we're feeling sad and melancholic, we can take that frame out from deep freeze and think back fondly of that time when it stood still and silent.

as i was telling Somebody on The Long Bus Ride, everything boils down to having The Right Timing.

somehow, i feel neither very excited nor raring to go for this sem. there was a tingle in the spine, a crackle in the air the last sem. where's that tingle now?

it was |2:27:00 AM|

Montag, Januar 16, 2006

i just went to see the doctor. he's real funny. the really old, but really kind and cheeky kind.

these were, in his own words...

- "oh dear. ur blood pressure is a bit on the too low side... tsk tsk u must be a very boring person. hardly get excited..."

- "becoz u've no boyfriends right? or crushes. that's what u young people call it nowadays right??"

- "go find urself one! get excited! go on dates! get that, RUSH! it's good for ur heart!"

- "u are not a teenager anymore. stop behaving like one! go to bed before 12mn. be a cinderella. i know u all youngsters pretend to be doing work but actually surfing the internet, chatting on irc -no doctor. irc is sooo out-dated. now is msn ok.- ohhh. okok! msn! tell ur frens to chase u offline after 12mn"

- "and drink! get drunk! get ur blood moving!"

- "actually no. dun get drunk. just drink. a bit every night. drunk alr'd later kiss the wrong toad."

then i told him abt OUR theory. the one abt the SISTER who's the ELDEST in the family. (when this gets famous right. yingying, jingyi, ailing and me... we're gonna be ri$h! so u better apply to be our friends now!)

- "hey i'm serious abt the crush part u know. scientific research has proven me right"

i'm glad to know that, i'm everyone's favourite topic these days. from my 10 yr old kid (and probably her entire family) to a 70 yr old doctor i've only just met. a premonition for CNY ba1 kwa4 aunties. abeit a very bad premonition.

but always remember! ur president never slacked ok.. she's still hard at work... the doctor's wrong. it has been a very exciting and rewarding life being everyone else's matchmaker. she has no plans to retire so soon. in fact, at all.

but i simply love this doctor! hehehe

it was |10:55:00 PM|

i realised something y'day - my tuition kid is awfully cute. damn awful but damn cute.

"teacher teacher! y u over 20 alr'd never go n find a boyfriend?"
"teacher teacher! do u want kids in the future?"
"teacher teacher! cannot! u MUST have kids in the future! or else u'll DIE"

AND SO, i had to open her mind a li'l to the many alternative possibilities in this real real world. i hope i dint spoil her textbook fairytale happily ever afters.

i know i used to complain to someone that she's SLOW. she's slow really. and stubborn. stubbornly clinging on to her slow ways. i mean, u know i'm not exactly the most patient person ar'd. BUT she's simply adorable. long and lithe. chio and erm, more chio. convent girls. argh. she's 10. another few yrs and she's a definite heartbreaker. and we realised that we've common interests in pop-up stickers and swimming and competitions too.

"teacher teacher.. do u know that i get very sad when i go for competitions.. and my parents aren't there?"

damn. she is making me wanting to swim again. resist zhuangz resist!

there was this time i went and her sister (she's 4) rushed out of the kitchen "teacher is here!" and gave me a hug... awww... they're the sweetest family i've ever met man. i can see why she thinks teacher teacher MUST have kids in future.

slow. stubborn. stickers. swimming. a lot like me actually. only things are that i'm neither sweet nor skinny. ha ha ha

but kids can be mean too. she always laugh at her brother (he's 9) for being too fat. (he's just a LITTLE BIT plump. the two sisters are too skinny anyways. relativity. just like how my sisters are skinny. so i'm the fat one!) there was once he had this big black eye and u noe y? coz she kicked him underwater. and the black eye became so ugly we thot it's gonna dry up and pop out.

but u can tell that, despite the embarrassing childhood in the hands of his chio-but-sometimes-mean sister, in a few more yrs time, he's gonna grow up, hopefully lose all his baby fats, and become another major heartbreaker.

but teacher teacher thinks we shud still think abt the alternative possibilities.

anyways. i dunno y i digged that example out. becoz the real moral of the story is not abt that. it's more abt how i really dint wanna accept this tuition job at first coz she's my mom's fren's kid and u noe u cant charge much for ur mom's frens' kids. and she did warn me that the girl's SLOW. and STUBBORN. too much like me. but i'm liking this more n more. a gradual one. and i learn a lot from this "job" too. the reward's in something else. not the monetary kind.

so i think that someone is trying to teach me s'thing. maybe, just maybe.

it was |9:46:00 AM|

Donnerstag, Januar 05, 2006

i kinda started 2006 off on the wrong foot in too many ways...

kenn says, "hahaha wah lau u realli a glutton no wonder god wanna teach u a lesson. hAhAHAHAHAhaha"

on days like this, i feel blessed to know what wonderful friends i have... (it's no joke ok! only such wonderful frens can so blatently tell u - u are a a glutton!)

ok add one more resolution to the list:

we resolve not to be such BIG gluttons. at least not for 2006. hmmp.

but we can still be small gluttons. hiakhiak.

it was |9:40:00 PM|