nice girls are hot

nice girls like blingblings
glittery hairpins
frilly skirts
pointy heels
and the lacoste
sleek camo
z4 coupé individual

nice girls are greedy too
giraffe for a pet
chocolate factory
summers that last forever
old fashioned ice creams
a handsome black horse
latin amerikka-ka-ka
borders and that cd shop
hedonistic holidays
beer, chips and girls

nice people are talkative

everyone has a past.
and here's mine.

Mai 2004
Juni 2004
Juli 2004
August 2004
September 2004
Oktober 2004
November 2004
Dezember 2004
Januar 2005
Februar 2005
März 2005
April 2005
Mai 2005
Juni 2005
Juli 2005
August 2005
September 2005
Oktober 2005
November 2005
Dezember 2005
Januar 2006
Februar 2006
März 2006
April 2006
Mai 2006
Juni 2006
Juli 2006
August 2006
September 2006
Oktober 2006
November 2006
Dezember 2006

Samstag, Februar 25, 2006

last wk, i dreamt that i have worms in my excrement. i woke up and checked my shit and found none. i heaved a big sigh of relief.

a few nights ago, i dreamt that i have two 10cm-long strands of hair growing my left big toe. i woke up and looked at my toes and found none. i heaved a big sigh of relief.

i wonder what it all means.

it was |2:32:00 AM|

Dienstag, Februar 21, 2006

other than the writing part, it has been pretty fun researching for my social work essay!

As the Minister of State for Community Development and Sports Mr Chan Soo Sen urged, "women in their 30s [should] not to give up hope of getting married, [but] to take the initiative and express their feelings to the men they fancy ".

- The Straits Times, 6 October 2002

Single mothers by choice is a national group founded in New York City in 1981 to provide information and support for single mothers and single women considering motherhood.

The membership is described as, typically, career women in their 30s and 40s, “up against their biological clocks,” facing the fact that they can no longer wait for marriage before starting families. Most say they would have preferred to have brought a child into a good marriage. However, as many point out, while women have a lifetime to marry, nature is not so generous in allotting childbearing years.

These single mothers tend to be very independent, self-reliant women.

and that, my friends, is the fundamental difference between them and us - they've moved on, but we're still talking about a prototype "good family". industrial standard fare - man, woman and kids.

anyways, between the fine lines, his statement only goes to show what the men (here) really are. hahahahhahaa. blockheads.

it was |3:35:00 PM|

Montag, Februar 20, 2006

the worst home to go back to is one w/o food.

i was extremely poor and famished. but i thot hey my house has lots of food. i came back expecting to eat the house out, and guess wat. i really had to eat the house. i had forgotten that i'm not the only glutton at home. haha

and now, i'm eating LEFTOVER FROZEN PINEAPPLE TARTS and stuff from CNY. sux man. but worse - i'm stealing my sisters' leftover chocolates from Vday to eat. how come nobody gave me chocs for Vday this yr?!?

anyways, remember the first line. words of wisdom.

it was |8:43:00 PM|

Sonntag, Februar 19, 2006

i'm jotting this down only becoz some day, when i'm feeling terribly horrid and unloved, it'll remind me of the funniest outing last night and laugh at myself. for actually agreeing to be, An Older Woman.

oedipus complex springs to mind. hahaha.

i made him delete away the number, nevertheless. i deleted his too. if fate will have it, we'll bump into each other again. if not, it's still a very funny thing to remember.. hahaha!

it was |4:23:00 PM|

Freitag, Februar 17, 2006

not to worry. i've snapped out of it. not like the last time. it's pretty easy after one or two days. and after reminding oneself that u only need to go thru' this like maybe, once a yr. and hopefully less.

otherwise, i'm really in a too very cheery mood now due to a perfect gentleman. actually, more like gentleboy. mrs helen tan need not fear - there's still hope for RJ boys after all! but boys being boys, horrible ones must tease the nice perfect boy and then, the nice perfect boy will eventually become horrible too. so hey, maybe there's a reason behind her fear.

and news spread fast i see i see.. haha i dun think i've to explain much abt last hols to anyone. it was after all, a good fling. it wud've been nice if circumstances were different. "right place wrong time". but hey, i'm sincerely happy to prolong my presidential term u noe. haha. nobody can usurp my title!

oh wells. back to today's tiny incident. i still can't get that spastic grin off my face. hehe. it's nice to get into these silly moods again. and to know that, as we approach the scary two-two, we dun look too old to 18 yr olds. makes me remember and hanker after those silly "everyday is a valentine's day" JC days again. hehehe.

and Vday! i'm extremely sorry man.. i've plans for everyone really! unfortunately, a tiny technical glitch appeared..

it was |4:52:00 PM|

Montag, Februar 13, 2006

it's been so long. u really ought to snap out of it stupid danette.

it was |11:58:00 AM|

Sonntag, Februar 12, 2006

i'm a sucker for propaganda songs. so ra ra shang4 kuo3. so click the "listen song" button here*.

It's the little things that we share, the love and joy that's in the air
The children's laughter everywhere, and all our favourite things...

Over the years, I've grown accustomed to your ways
And no matter where I'll be, it warms my heart to know that
You're always here for me...

and it's pink becoz... since, love is in the air.. hah

no matter what, i still think this is one of the nicest place to stay in. for long. (and no i'm no propaganda machine! altho' they shud pay me for this. haha) so i dun understand why some people say, "i dun understand why anyone wanna move here". and that was in particular refering to the angmohs. why not? sure it's not the richest, the most beautiful, most happening, most ra ra place... but hey, no one no place is perfect. u're the one with social mobility. after ur travels, can't u see it still? they did. that's why they moved here. not that i'm saying anyone who chose not to stay here eventually is stupid. but to write off this place totally even b4 consideration is really stupid.

it was |12:53:00 AM|

Freitag, Februar 10, 2006

thinking abt our entities always blow my mind. and waste such a freaking large part of my time. i can't believe i spent a whole day on it with you. when i shud be doing practical stuff, z.B practical sch work or fulfilling my presidential roles in anticipating of the big day. (haha!) if u're raised up as to be such a free thinker and questioning mind as i did (at least on entities), u'll find that u can live very well w/o having to rely on certainty and assurance of this life, afterlife, beforelife and blah.blah.blah. even tho' we'd like to think that we're on our way to something greater, more, more, more. there's more to this, there's more to that. that's us, Man. it's always MORE. better. and betterment means no more shit. haha what an active self-imagination. it's all kitsch anyways. can u accept a he/she/it who has to shit or trim his/her/its nails once every wk? but we're all made in his/her/its images. think abt it. yet he/she/it is still the creator/ programmer in all sense of the word(s). and who can really trust any of them. politics always get in the way. even at funerals*. i guess that's what my dad was trying to teach all along. nothing can be totally reliable. fret for urselves. decide for urselves. which leads me to the big F word. freedom doesn't just mean totally free (u shud've realised by now. nothing in this world we live in is free), being able to choose (and let's not get me started on choices..), but freedom is being able to bear with the consequences of ur decisions. but intimidation shudn't be one of them. i want to eat an apple, so i must've weighed the crunchy pleasure against the possibility that the core can choke me to death. and i can either eat a solid apple or make it into pulp, or juice it! and either ways there's the possibilities of death (morbid. but that's that's the simplest analogies i can think of now). i turn up in a black tie event knowingly, wearing outrageous costumes or nothingness, becoz knowing that i might be kicked out, or shunned, i'm still gonna try to say something thru' that outfit. at least people wud see it. and i can respect u without honouring your beliefs and taboos. just becoz u can't eat beef doesn't mean i can't. which was what got me raked up last night actually. few people truly understand this word. freedom is not just any word. sure they were crude, but powerful. and this is what political cartoons shud be - crude but powerful. and it sure has achieved the aims of it's commission - to depict the fear when dealing with this subject. so i must say they're pretty successful. blahblahblah. oh!and go watch brokeback mountain people! i think it's a success. even howard stern * makes a surprise U-turn in his -ism and -phobia...

and speaking of holy shit... me need go now. haha

it was |2:58:00 PM|

Dienstag, Februar 07, 2006

some people just dun get it...

if u dun forgive, how can u ever expect to forget?

and the things people do for the love of the cold, the hard, the fast $$$... i'll never understand us.

otherwise, my JS group (yes. no kind and generous and intellectual and objective simon tho' but i'm still taking a JS module this sem simply for the love of it... haha really!) was comtemplating to tackle the problem of "enjo kosai (teenage girls prostitution) + rori-kon (lolita complex) in older men" for our project but we kinda gave up after a short consultataion with the (obviously jap) tutor and he doesn't look too happy with it. almost like skeletons in the closet that we outsiders shudn't find out.

which made me think of us. how many of us are actually so influenced by what our tutors say/ said.

y'day i recieved such a lovely letter from candice.. which is a very very nice surprise really. but it made me realised, i miss all my friends terribly. =(

it was |10:47:00 PM|

Freitag, Februar 03, 2006

thinking out of the box - the lego suicides. hahaha!

it was |11:57:00 AM|

i'm disgusting.

i've the worst. the most unhealthy eating palatte in the world.

watever happened to loving me-self?

it was |11:54:00 AM|