nice girls are hot

nice girls like blingblings
glittery hairpins
frilly skirts
pointy heels
and the lacoste
sleek camo
z4 coupé individual

nice girls are greedy too
giraffe for a pet
chocolate factory
summers that last forever
old fashioned ice creams
a handsome black horse
latin amerikka-ka-ka
borders and that cd shop
hedonistic holidays
beer, chips and girls

nice people are talkative

everyone has a past.
and here's mine.

Mai 2004
Juni 2004
Juli 2004
August 2004
September 2004
Oktober 2004
November 2004
Dezember 2004
Januar 2005
Februar 2005
März 2005
April 2005
Mai 2005
Juni 2005
Juli 2005
August 2005
September 2005
Oktober 2005
November 2005
Dezember 2005
Januar 2006
Februar 2006
März 2006
April 2006
Mai 2006
Juni 2006
Juli 2006
August 2006
September 2006
Oktober 2006
November 2006
Dezember 2006

Montag, Mai 29, 2006


what is meaning, if nobody can agree. what is meaning really, but a way to justify ur wants. ur desires.

and there's always a way ar'd meanings themselves.

that's why i dun believe in meanings.

in other news, i truly believe that my brain is in regression...

it was |3:03:00 AM|

Montag, Mai 22, 2006

we like meeting mavis teo.

mavis is a very knowlegable and compassionate girl who is always there to render help to those in need.

for example, she'll keep joanne updated with the latest news. also, she'll very unselfishly, impart her vast knowledge to me. like how my handsome hunk kim sung su was a PRADA model before. hmm... ok. so much more resourceful than me.

mavis is curious about everything. any new phenomenon. every change in routine. her thirst for knowlege is so great. she'll question and answer her own questions, and then very generously shares her new discoveries with us. a very wonderful spirit indeed.

we like meeting mavis teo!

haha ok.. i think only those present on sat will know what the "luckily becoz i talk to myself" 's really good for...

otherwise, i'm watching full house again. haha... this time r'd i'm taking my time to slowly savour The Show ok.. hmm...

and i'm also looking for JAY CHOU's albums. (a bit out of date i noe... but i'm highly addicted to november's chopin now) so yah.. so can whoever has them kindly lend them to me for a while? thanx thanx!(my sisters refused to lend their copy to me after i scolded them for finishing the kueh lapis.... irritating.)

it was |2:31:00 AM|

Montag, Mai 15, 2006

i woke up this morn and first thot in my mind of what u said over dinner last night.

cudn't help but grinned in my sleep-messy state.

for ur future happiness, (and my future investment dress), i also hope u lose, mavis teo!


it was |2:20:00 AM|

Samstag, Mai 13, 2006

things have not turned out to be alright.

no more lunches together everyday for the next two months.

but strangely, relief. perhaps the fear of facing someone EVERYDAY for THAT LONG will make me think of the person as less interesting. it's always better to keep some distance apart. like we are doing now.

no matter wat, tmr's a very happy day... finally meeting my dear mavis for a shopping spree!

and maybe we can discuss abt korea together... hiakhiakhiak.

(btw, the FULL HOUSE house's really nice too! all budding architects shud take note. very nice open concept. such nice views. and u shud also take note that altho' that spiral staircase is a nice element.. it's they dun really use it leh. except to be always WIPING IT. or throw clothes on it. hahaha. and i love the kitchen too! wonder who'll cook spaghetti for me in that... hopefully the guy below will cook again. haha)

wells as i was telling brenda n yy, there're so many things i'ld like to do.

  1. continue piano where i left it... (which is very, very shamefully, at grade 1.)
  2. continue german!
  3. learn salsa (or some kind of dance)
  4. learn yoga
  5. learn to drive (actually not really. just that i'm sick of e'one asking.)
  6. learn to dive

let's see how many will actually materialize... i'm afraid not many/ any.

it was |2:49:00 AM|

Dienstag, Mai 09, 2006

WAHLAU PEOPLE! we've all been tricked by MAVIS TEO!

u girls better thank me. luckily i had too much free time on my hands over the wkend. so checked out the vcds from her. got such good stuff nv tell us a word AT ALL.

wat RAIN and full house and full house and RAIN. i say, why FULL HOUSE's worth watching is really becoz of him!

THAT is what i call, hey good looker!

altho' he looks good mainly in suits and short hair and toot in e'thing else.. but but. so few pple can carry suits off so well! and he looks like some JAP WARRIOR!

okok.. i think if some koreans read that will come n kill me... so i better not talk abt JAP WARRIORS...

anyways. hehe. being the resourceful girl i am.. i've dug up so much dirt abt him! well actually i found his website* BUT it's all in korean. sheesh. but u can still look at the photos*. see the signs of aging. haha. well actually he's q. old alr'd but it's ok. he's still single. and i like older men too. so let's all go to korea! haha

oh yes oh yes.. his name is KIM SUNG SU*.

and all becoz of mr. kim, i was sleepless for 2 nights.. trying to cheong all the vcds finish... (this is embarrassing to confess, but i also cried at disc #21) it's pure insatiable greed i tell u... cannot get enough. of him. hai4 wo3 now so tired.

so yes, so good fortunes must share. do check out the very handsome KIM SUNG SU in FULL HOUSE (as YOO MIN HYUK). the story's pretty fun too! (and funny. and sad.) =)

it was |12:55:00 AM|

Montag, Mai 01, 2006

"lifts for the disabled in mrt stations were considered..."

"... inefficiencies"

"... unemployment insurance"

"... healthcare costs"

"... etc etc etc"

the same things that jump out from the readings. sounds like someone in a certain party took a certain module in social work and copied everything from the same page too. hmmmm...

anyways. i'd nearly forgotten about Dead Poets' Society and how it was such a defining film in our teenage life! (my love ethan hawke!) altho' it's a bit sad at the end... i want to watch it again! (okok after exams. i want to watch/ re-watch so many things after exams..)

another "high definition" movie being... The Teenage Textbook. hahaha. (ok dun laugh ok. i spent an entire afternoon trying to remember what's the stupid movie's stupid name.. hahaha.) that was when we were in.. sec 3? sec 2? that movie i remember particularly coz it was the first "midnight movie" we sneaked off from the chalet to watch. in some cinema in the east. haha. altho' i must say that i've really forgotten what it was mostly about. except the "Paya Lebar Junior College". which has its letters at the gate dropping off one-by-one. hahaha.

but maybe it made more impact on our slightly older friends. someone once said that if there's one movie he'll never forget, it'll be that Teenage Textbook. coz it came out during his sec4 yr and gave him and his bunch of friends such great hopes for their JC lives. hahaha

for those, like me, who has forgotten what it is all abt, here is a little reminder~

otherwise, i'm discovering the joys of chinese songs! (well actually, to be exact, jay chou and mayday songs! my studio girls will be so proud of me! *beams*)

it was |7:07:00 PM|